Algarrobo culture: The towers The tower Ladeada on the seafront of Algarrobo Costa. Algarrobo culture: The towers Within the last centuries the tower Ladeada was damaged on its base. Algarrobo culture: The towers View on the tower Ladeada. Algarrobo culture: The towers View on the tower's damage. Algarrobo culture: The towers Plants in front of the tower Derecha. Algarrobo culture: The towers The tower which is called Nuevo or Derecho. Algarrobo culture: The towers A view from the side of the tower Nuevo. Algarrobo culture: The towers An archway of the tower Nuevo.
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Algarrobo: Culture

The towers of Algarrobo Costa

In Algarrobo Costa there are two towers from the 16th. century. One tower, the so-called Torre Ladeada o Torre del Portichuelo is situated on the beach side. The other tower which is called Torre Derecha o Torre Nueva is approximately 250 metres far away on the other side of the federal road N-340 which separates these two towers. Both lookout points were used to figure out if pirates came closer to the beach back then. Since 1993 these towers are marked as cultural assets. (Editor/Photos/Video: mit – Source: Diputación de Málaga, Ayuntamiento Algarrobo)


Contact The towers of Algarrobo Torre Derecha: Avenida Torre Derecha 29750 Algarrobo Torre Ladeada: Avenida Torre Ladeada 29750 Algarrobo How to arrive Google Maps Google Maps (Ladeada) Google Maps Google Maps (Derecha) Attention: Google may collect data with its Google Maps service. We have no influence on this. More info
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