Rincón de la Victoria culture: Archaeology park The park consists of many small paths. Rincón de la Victoria culture: Archaeology park The Plaza del Dosel. Rincón de la Victoria culture: Archaeology park Within the park you can find some relics made of stone. Rincón de la Victoria culture: Archaeology park The Cave of Victoria. Rincón de la Victoria culture: Archaeology park Various plants are growing on the terrain. Rincón de la Victoria culture: Archaeology park The Plaza del Maestro. Rincón de la Victoria culture: Archaeology park The small paths are marked with natural stones. Rincón de la Victoria culture: Archaeology park The Plaza Giménez Reyna.
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Rincón de la Victoria: Culture

Archaeology park: Prehistoric heritage of Rincón de la Victoria

The archeology park in Rincón de la Victoria is an unique area on the Costa del Sol where the prehistoric heritage of the township can be viewed. The entire 90.000 square meter big park has been designed geomorphologically to match the original prehistoric terrain. Within the years the park has become a hotspot of indigenous plants which are next to small limited walkways made of natural stones. You can find the whole terrain next to the Cueva del Tesoro (en.: Treasure Cave) in Rincón de la Victoria. Entrance is for free. (Editor/Photos/Video: mit – Source: www.rincondelavictoria.es)


Contact Archaeology park Conjunto los Cerrillos 29730 Rincón de la Victoria Phone 952 406 618 Mail Mail Websete Website Opening hours Opening hoursturismoenrincon.es How to arrive Google Maps Google Maps Attention: Google may collect data with its Google Maps service. We have no influence on this. More info
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