Sohail: A fortress with a long history
At the mouth of the Río Fuengirola you can find the Sohail Castle. In 956 the first caliph of Córdoba, Abd ar-Rahman III., built this castle on a hill 38 metres above sea level to monitor the coastal areas around Fuengirola. In the course of the so-called Reconquista – the reconquest of the Nasrid-occupied territories by Catholic kings – the castle was sieged in 1485 by the Christian army. From this point on it was regularly expanded and improved. Some time later, the military services in the castle were completely shut down and the entire building was auctioned. In the following years, the castle was threatened to fall into disrepair. But in the 20th century, the castle was restored. It now serves as a meeting place for people interested in history and as a venue for cultural events. (Editor/Photos/Video: mit – Source: Town hall Fuengirola, Junta de Andalucía)
Castle Sohail
Calle Tartessos
29649 Fuengirola
952 589 349
952 467 457
Opening hours
Open: Tuesday to Friday from 10h to 14h. Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays from 10h to 14h and from 15.30h to 18h. Closed on Mondays, December 17th, 24th and 31st. Attention: The opening hours may change.
How to arrive
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