Nerja culture: Museum A recreation: An aborigine living in the cave of Nerja. Nerja culture: Museum The glass front of the museum contains pictures of all the cultural sights of the municipality. Nerja culture: Museum A model replica of the sugar factory in Maro, which began business in 1585 and which was destroyed by a fire in the 19th century. Nerja culture: Museum The tools which were used by the first explorers of the cave in Nerja to open the way through the stalagmite passages. Nerja culture: Museum The aqueduct which was used to transport water to the mills. Nerja culture: Museum An exhibition hall on the lower floor of the museum. Nerja culture: Museum An excavation piece of quartz, in which a goose was engraved. Nerja culture: Museum The 8.000-year-old skeleton is one of the museum's highlights.
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Nerja: Culture

Experience the history of the city of Nerja

Within the museum you can see a collection of exclusive objects from the prehistory of the village to the present day. Among the excavations and findings there is an 8.000-year-old skeleton called Pepita as well as a polished quartz stone which has an engraving of a goose and which was produced several thousand years ago. Most of the objects were found in the cave of Nerja which is why this cave has a special meaning for the museum. In addition, you can find small wooden replicas of important buildings in Nerja as well as an audiovisual representation of the development and population of the municipality. On the lower floor of the museum, paintings and artworks are often exhibited. An excursion to the museum of Nerja gives the visitor a deep insight into the municipality and should be on the compulsory program during holidays. (Editor/Photos/Video: mit – Source: Museo de Nerja)


Contact Museum of Nerja Plaza de España 4 29780 Nerja Phone 952 527 224 Mail Mail Website Website Opening hours Opening How to arrive Google Maps Google Maps Attention: Google may collect data with its Google Maps service. We have no influence on this. More info
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