Nerja culture: The cave of Nerja Long stalakmites hang from the ceiling of the cave. Nerja culture: The cave of Nerja Illuminated corridors lead the visitor through the cave. Nerja culture: The cave of Nerja In the entrance area. Nerja culture: The cave of Nerja The forms of the stalagmites and stalactites have a surreal effect. Nerja culture: The cave of Nerja Deep gorges, from which stalagmites tower, await the visitors. Nerja culture: The cave of Nerja One dripstone object looks like a boot. Nerja culture: The cave of Nerja It goes deeper and deeper into the cave. Nerja culture: The cave of Nerja The dripstone objects are illuminated with special light.
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Nerja: Culture

The cave of Nerja

The cave in Nerja was incidentally discovered by a group of playing children in 1959. A few weeks later scientists started explore the dripstone cave. They found out that the cave has a length of about five kilometre. Moreover they found numerous remains from the Neolithic period, such as ceramics, bones and stone tools. Some of these objects can be found in the museum in Nerja. Researchers suspect that the cave was populated by humans between 30.000 and 1.800 before Christ. Particularly interesting are 42.000 year old wall paintings within the cave. It is assumed that these pictures could be the first art works of humanity wich are known by science. Therefore in 1961 the cave was protected as a historical art monument. In 1985 it was declared to as unique cultural interest and in 2005 it received the status cultural property with archaeological area. (Editor/Photos/Video: mit – Source: Cueva de Nerja)


Contact Cave of Nerja Calle Ctra. a la Cueva 29780 Nerja Phone 952 529 520 Mail Mail Website Website Opening hours Opening How to arrive Google Maps Google Maps Attention: Google may collect data with its Google Maps service. We have no influence on this. More info
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