Torrox clubs: Skat club The board 2019 of the Skat club. Torrox clubs: Skat club Skat is played with a total of 32 cards: Ten per player and two cards (the Skat) remain face down. Torrox clubs: Skat club A part of the group of the Skat club in Torrox Costa. Torrox clubs: Skat club Cards. Torrox clubs: Skat club The cards are shuffled. Torrox clubs: Skat club A group from the Skat Club during the game. Torrox clubs: Skat club After the round the players are evaluated. Torrox clubs: Skat club Some members of the Skat club Torrox Costa.
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Torrox: Clubs

Skat club Torrox Costa

The members of the Skat club meet regularly in Torrox Costa to play skat together. Skat is a strategy card game, which is basically played with 32 cards and four player. The Skat club was founded in the 1980s by some German residents with the aim of creating a meeting place for residents interested in playing Skat. Meanwhile the community has grown to over 40 members. The club is also internationally recognized. Time and again, numerous players take part in ISPA tournaments. (Editor/Photos/Video: mit – Source: Skatclub Torrox Costa)


Contact Skat club Torrox Costa Paseo Marítimo de Ferrara 75 29793 Torrox Mail Mail Website Website Language skills Within the Skat club the following languages are spoken: German German How to arrive Google Maps Google Maps Attention: Google may collect data with its Google Maps service. We have no influence on this. More info
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