If you want to play a tactical game and experience a lot of action, then "Paintball Málaga" is for you. "Paintball Málaga" offers three different scenarios on a large property in Macharaviaya: the village, the nest of the eagle and the Normandy. The village is a place of wooden houses, towers and bridges. The nest of the eagle is a hill on which there are the remains of a stone building and from which you have a fantastic view over the whole area. Normandy is a relatively open playing field made up of barrels and walls. In every scenario, there is a hut covered with nets where you are safe and cannot be hit by flying balls. These huts are for relaxing and resting.
The players are first divided into two teams. Each player receives a so-called marker, which contains coloured balls. With this marker you need to hit the opponent players. If a player is hit, he raises his arm and leaves the playing field. The teams wear different coloured bracelets so that they do not accidentally aim at their teammates.
Before the game, the players decide what exactly they want to play. There are five missions in "Paintball Málaga". "Capture the Flag" is about capturing the flag of the opponent. In "Central Flag" there is only one flag. The team that grabs the flag first has won. The game "Siege" is about conquering the base of the opponents including the flag. In the mission "President" one player of each team is unarmed and has to be protected by his teammates. The last mission is called "The escort of the president". An unarmed player of one team has to be brought to a certain place by his teammates. The opposing team tries to prevent this.
Paintball is a tactical sports game, which is equally suitable for children and adults and is becoming more and more popular. In the unique environment that offered by »Paintball Málaga«, the game is a real experience and a lot of fun.
(Editor/Photos/Video: Michael Trampert)