Vélez-Málaga culture: The fortress The tower of the fortress. Vélez-Málaga culture: The fortress Path leading to the castle. Vélez-Málaga culture: The fortress Viewing platform. Vélez-Málaga culture: The fortress View from the tower to the mountains. Vélez-Málaga culture: The fortress Stairs to the top of the tower. Vélez-Málaga culture: The fortress Original wall from the 13th century. Vélez-Málaga culture: The fortress From the fortress you have a sweeping view over Vélez-Málaga. Vélez-Málaga culture: The fortress The tower of the fortress from the front.
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Vélez-Málaga: Culture

The fortress of Vélez-Málaga

The fortress of Vélez-Málaga dates back to the 10th century. It is located at the highest point of the city, about 80 meters above sea level. Inside the fortress there is a tower with a height of about 20 meters, from which you have a good view over parts of the Axarquía and the beach. For this reason the fortress was used as a surveillance point between 1232 and 1492 during the reign of the dynasty of the Nasrid. The fortress was restored between 1808 and 1810 as well as in the 1970s. (Editor/Photos/Video: mit – Source: Tourism Office Vélez-Málaga)


Contact Fortress of Vélez-Málaga Calle Palafranero Sebastián Sáncez 28 29700 Vélez-Málaga Phone 952 558 640 Mail Mail Website Website Opening hours Opening hoursjuntadeandalucia.es How to arrive Google Maps Google Maps Attention: Google may collect data with its Google Maps service. We have no influence on this. More info
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