Marbella culture: Bonsai museum The Bonsai Museum is surrounded by a small pond. Marbella culture: Bonsai museum The outdoor plants stand on stone slabs. Marbella culture: Bonsai museum This Japanese tree is 80 years old. Marbella culture: Bonsai museum Inside the museum there is a small pond. Marbella culture: Bonsai museum The oldest trees are in a greenhouse. Marbella culture: Bonsai museum The Andalusian olive tree is 450 years old. Marbella culture: Bonsai museum Olives grow on the 250-year-old olive tree from Spain. Marbella culture: Bonsai museum In a second covered area are numerous other Bonsai trees.
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Marbella: Alcazaba de la Medina: The former fortress of Marbella

Alcazaba de la Medina: The former fortress of Marbella

The Alcazaba de la Medina was a fortress probably built in the 10th century. At this time, Marbella was still under the rule of the Umayyad caliphate. For creating the fortress, the craftsmen mainly used stone materials – including recycled materials from Roman times, such as Ionian capitals – ... more
Marbella: Built on a mosque – Iglesia de la Encarnación

Built on a mosque – Iglesia de la Encarnación

It is believed that the Church of Nuestra Señora de la Encarnación was built on a mosque dating back to the Nasrid period – a Muslim-Moorish dynasty that, from 1232 to 1492, ruled parts of the Costa del Sol and the Costa Tropical. 130 years after the reconquer of the Costa del Sol by Catholic ... more
Marbella: Small trees very big – The bonsai museum

Small trees very big – The bonsai museum

The bonsai museum in Marbella was created in 1992. It is the first of its kind in Spain. Among the miniature growths which are positioned on slate or stone slabs are exhibits such as the hackberry tree from China, a 300 year old olive tree or el Torro, a 400 year old juniper tree. In addition, you ... more
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